Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hello! Hello! Hello!

I am finally back from my adventures in Asia. Three months seemed way too long in the beginning, but time flew by way too quickly! It has been such an emotional experience that, really, trying to describe everything is not without difficulty. 

Onwards, I finally put my new, made in France, madeleine pan I received to use. I made madeleines the other day with Bakeologie's Earl Grey recipe but that didn't go quite according to plan. First, I did not have Earl Grey, so I used a Chinese tea that I had on hand, which did not smell as though it really infused the melted butter. Also, I'm pretty sure I used too much lemon zest because after tasting the madeleines, one would think they're actually lemon. 

I also noticed that it's a matter of really watching over as the madeleines cook because different pans take different times to cook. I'm also trying to figure out why my madeleines didn't come out of the pan cleanly, as I buttered and floured as directed. 

Next time they shall come out as expected!